1. 2009-
Interacted with the Asian Development Bank, and was able to earn the
project entitled “Promoting Climate Change Impact and Adaptation in
Asia and the Pacific”. The project aims to take a stock of the
impacts of climate change on water availability in the Indus Basin,
review the ADB portfolio of projects related with the subject and
formulate a project document for further technical assistance to
Pakistan in water sector.
2. 2008-
Developed a project with German assistance entitled “Capacity
Building for Improved Monitoring and Assessment of Snow, Ice and
Water Resources in the Indus Basin”. This is a regional project
covering Afghanistan and Pakistan and is in operation now.
3. 2007-
Developed a project with German assistance to establish a “Centre
for Disaster Preparedness and Management” in the University of
Peshawar, Peshawar. The centre is fully functioning and one-year
diploma classes have been started.
4. 2006-
Developed a UN Joint Project, with the involvement of FAO, ILO, WFP,
IFAD, WHO and UNDP for restoring livelihoods of poor communities in
earthquake affected areas of AJK and NWFP. The project financing
(Euro 9 million) was mobilized from the European Union. This
exercise involved extensive consultations / negotiations with the UN
Agencies, Civil Society Organizations, and district / provincial and
federal authorities. The approval process involved extensive
consultations with the authorities of Federal / Provincial Govt.,
Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Authority (ERRA), and
various UN Agencies. The project has been completed.
5. 2005-
Formulated second phase of the “Area Development Program Balochistan”
to replicate the developed methodologies in 9 poverty stricken
districts (arid mountainous ecosystem). The project focuses on
community / institutional development, restoration of agriculture,
afforestation, watershed management, water harvesting and
conservation, etc. For this project, mobilized substantial amount of
funds from the Govt. of Balochistan.
6. 2005-
The “Lachi Poverty Reduction
Project” co-funded by UNDP and DFID has been successfully
implemented in rugged mountainous terrain of Lachi Tehsil, District
Kohat and document to have its successor project to scale up the
pilots (established in the spirit of poverty-environment nexus-
water conservation & harvesting, range/livestock/watershed
management, and institutional development, etc.) was developed.
7. 2004-05-
Prepared document for the project “Community Development Project for
the Rehabilitation of Waterlogged and Saline Land”. The project is
basically designed in the spirit of poverty-environment nexus. It
has been piloted that by growing deep-rooted and salt-resistant tree
species in degraded lands, soil productivity could be restored and
thus poverty reduced. For this project, mobilized US $ 9.14 million
from the Govt. of Punjab on cost-sharing basis.
8. 2004-
Drafted project document to mobilize US $ 0.5 million from the UN
Trust for Human Security Fund to establish pilot projects for
establishing water supply schemes in drylands (rugged mountainous
terrain) of Lachi Tehsil, district Kohat.
9. 2003-
Drafted document for the “National Urban Poverty Alleviation
Program” (NUPAP) and implemented it in 4 provinces (10 cities),
addressing issues of sanitation, water supplies and overall poverty
reduction and environmental restoration in urban slums. For this
project, mobilized US $ 245,000 from the Govt. of Punjab, US $
500,000 from the Govt. of NWFP and US $ 500,000 from the private
sector. The entry point in this project was sewage and solid waste
management in collaboration with the municipalities through the
organization of Citizens Community Boards.
10. 2002-
Developed the project “Support for Achieving the Millennium
Development Goals” in collaboration with the Pakistan Human
Development Fund / National Commission for Human Development (NCHD)
for a financing of $ 10 million (mainly raised from
philanthropists). The project focused on improving health and
education in the poverty stricken districts and is now in operation
with the Govt. financing.
11. 2001-
Developed the project “Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable
Development Facility” with seed financing from Capacity 21. Under
this project a “Centre for Research on Poverty Reduction and Income
Distribution” was established in the Planning Commission. The
purpose of the project was to support the Planning Commission in
analyzing poverty data and undertake poverty policy research and
advocacy, and organize independent surveys to monitor the poverty
12. Designed
and developed a project for UNDP China / Chinese Private Sector in
the spirit of public-private partnership for US $ 40 million to
involve the private sector / NGOs in human development. It involved
extensive discussions / negotiations with the Chinese Govt.
officials / corporate sector.