1. Organized
mid-term review of the UNDP Country Program (2004-2008) in July
2006, which included writing of the TORs, hiring of the consultants,
organization of discussions with the stakeholders, collection &
analysis of data, and presenting results to the Government and other
stakeholders, etc.
2. Worked
extensively on the development and implementation of Results-Based
Management System (RBMS) in UNDP-funded projects. Developed
indicators for 9 projects (covering environment, gender, governance
and poverty areas) (reports published), provided training to UNDP/Projects
staff on indicators, data collection and analysis.
3. Worked
with the Evaluation Office of UNDP, New York and organized Regional
Workshops on the Results-Based Management System and thus advanced
the development / implementation of the RBMS at the global level.
4. Developed
Strategic Results Framework (SRF) and prepared Results-Oriented
Annual Reports (ROAR) of the UNDP Country Office.
Because of special interest in Information Technology (took several
computer language and systems analysis courses in PhD), in 2004 I
developed a Management Information System to monitor projects
progress and generate reports in the areas of social mobilization,
human resource development, micro-credit, infrastructure projects,
vocational training, agriculture and natural resource management.